Meet the team

Your soon to be nutrition guides + accountability buddies

Sophia | Founder + Accredited Sports Nutritionist

I'm a certified sports nutritionist with an interest in strength sports and plant-based nutrition. I've been working with a variety of individuals since 2021 to look and feel their best — busy "everyday" people, recreational lifters, and competitive athletes representing Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and Australia at national, state, and international powerlifting meets.

I believe in sustainability and creating changes that last beyond one’s athletic career. Recognising that every athlete is still human, with unique emotions, preferences and lifestyles that influence their nutrition, I use a holistic approach to improve diet. This goes beyond nutrition education to habit formation, environmental changes, eating psychology, sleep hygiene and stress management.

Accreditation and certificates:

• Accredited Sports Nutritionist (Sports Nutrition Association)

• Certified Nutrition Coach (Precision Nutrition)

• Bachelor of Science, double major in nutrition and marketing (University of Sydney)
• IBS Management: The Low FODMAP Diet (GI Institute)

Goo Young | Nutrition Coach and Certified Personal Trainer

I'm a fitness coach with a burning passion of guiding individuals towards healthier lifestyles, I’ve spent the last 8 years immersed in the world of fitness, helping client achieve their fitness goals and transfer their lives. My journey as a certified coach has been incredibly rewarding, and life changing I might add, as I’ve had the privilege of working with people from all walks of life and fitness levels, from beginners to seasoned athletes.

My approach to fitness is all about empowerment and education. I firmly believe that everyone is unique and has individual needs, goals and preferences. Armed with a solid foundation in exercise science and years of hands-on experience, I aim to impart knowledge and tips to clients who ultimately are able to continue on their life-long fitness journey.

Accreditation and certificates:

• Bachelor of Sports Science and Exercise Science

• Precision Nutrition Level 1

• Menno Helselmans PT Certified

• ACE Certified Personal Trainer